The Importance of Educator Well-Being

The Importance of Educator Well-Being

The start of a new school year conjures feelings of excitement and rejuvenation. Each fall is a fresh opportunity for educators to shape a new set of minds and prepare new classes of students for future success. At the heart of this autumn renewal is the well-being of educators, a critically important key to classroom success.

The Importance of Educator Well-Being

Teacher mental well-being has been directly associated with higher student engagement, better teacher retention rates, and fewer student behavioral difficulties. If educators are taken care of, they can effectively take care of their students. And they’re more likely to stay for the long term. According to Gallup research, teachers who feel valued and supported by their school administration are more likely to stay with their school.

Educator well-being is a major component of administrative support because it directly impacts students. The following analogy aptly illustrates the importance of teacher well-being:

If you’ve ever taken a trip on an airplane, you’re likely aware of the safety instructions the flight attendants recite for passengers—including those associated with oxygen masks. “In the event of an emergency, place your own oxygen mask on your face before you assist others.” In other words, you can’t help others if you don’t help yourself first.

Read the full article here:

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