The Harbor School, NYC’s only school accessible by boat, to double in size

The Harbor School, NYC’s only school accessible by boat, to double in size

New York City is largely a collection of islands, but just one high school is only accessible by boat: Urban Assembly New York Harbor School.

The school opened 20 years ago landlocked in Bushwick, and in 2010 moved to Governors Island, a 172-acre teardrop-shaped parcel that’s about an eight-minute ferry ride from Lower Manhattan. Now the Harbor School will be doubling its footprint on Governors Island, expanding from two to four buildings, city officials announced Tuesday.

The move will add classrooms and other new facilities, including a competition-sized pool, gymnasium, and lab space to support the school’s maritime and environmental curriculum that is rooted in career and technical education, or CTE, with seven tracks such as aquaculture, marine biology research, vessel operations, and professional diving. The school also partners with the Billion Oyster Project, which aims at restoring the city’s harbor with the mollusks that used to be plentiful before the 1900s.

Read the full article here:

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