Teacher Exam Pass Rate Plummets
The teacher exam pass rate plummets.
The Daily News reports a 20% decrease in teachers passing the certification exams for the state. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/editorial-place-flunkers-article-1.2025482
“While almost no would-be teachers flunked the state’s old certification tests, the pass rates on the four new exams range from 82% down to 68% — meaning thousands of ed-school grads didn’t make the cut.”
Education Commissioner for NY State, John King, has promised to shut down degree programs that graduate students with low pass rates.
Our certification exam pass rate is extremely high! In our partnerships with Alfred University for the Masters Degree in Literacy, we boast a 99% pass rate. We’ve also partnered with Concordia College to offer a Masters in Early Childhood. Our first cohort just started.
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