special ed


Job Posting: Special Ed Teacher

PACE High School is looking for an NYS-certified special education teacher to join their PACE Family. PACE is a small High school located in lower Manhattan serving a diverse community. If you know anyone interested, please email resume and cover letter to admin@pacehsnyc.org ____________________________________________________ CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education. For over 25 […]

By John Russo | Blog . Job Posting

Teacher shortage: ‘Maligning and vilifying’ educators affects retention, union president says

Teacher shortage: ‘Maligning and vilifying’ educators affects retention, union president says Students across the country are heading back to school, but many without adequate teachers. According to the National Education Association, there are more than 280,000 fewer public school teachers nationally than prior to the pandemic. And the shortage is perhaps most acute in the […]

By John Russo | Blog . TESOL

Education advocates discuss teacher shortage

The teacher shortage is here, and Chalkbeat has this article about it: Educators met on Friday to share their budget proposals for next year, but an issue facing schools for years to come took center stage. Over the next decade, the New York State Educational Conference Board said about 180,000 new teachers will be needed. […]

By John Russo | New Teacher . news

Racial, economic gaps are widening among NYC’s free pre-K programs, researchers say

Chalkbeat has this article: The quality of programs serving mostly Black and Latino students has stalled or declined slightly, and is lower in census tracts with higher poverty levels, according to the Berkeley analysis released this week. Meanwhile program quality was improving at centers serving mostly white and Asian children, and was higher in wealthier […]

By John Russo | Blog . Uncategorized

Self Certify in Special Ed

Special Ed Self-Certification If you have Professional Certification, you can self-certify in Special Ed. Here’s how. Individual Pathways are a means to NYS Public School Special Ed extension that allows teachers to take courses that meet requirements (foundations, methods, etc…), piece them together, and receive the extension. CITE courses are a great way to pursue […]


Farina Addresses Teachers

Chancellor Fariña Addresses Teachers Her goal: Restore dignity and Respect to teaching Chancellor Fariña addresses teachers, at a town hall meeting with UFT members.  Her first priority — and the accomplishment by which she most wants to be judged — is restoring dignity and respect to the teaching profession.  “No one works well if beaten down,” she […]



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