

Top 6 Skills Everyone in School Administration Needs

School leaders get in on this… “Top 6 Skills Everyone in School Administration Needs” 1.a Time management  A huge aspect of organization is time management. If a school administrator struggles with either of those, they will have a very difficult time handling their job to the best of their ability.  1.b Multitasking  There are various […]

By John Russo | Administration . Blog

To help my students who struggle with reading, I had to do some serious soul-searching

To help my students who struggle with reading, I had to do some serious soul-searching Growing up, I was an A student. My grandfather skipped a grade; so did my mother. With the baton handed to me, I made the honor roll, joined honor societies, played instruments, sang, and took part in a range of […]

By John Russo | Blog . news

NYC teachers get little to no training on lockdown drills

When Mohammad Jehad Ahmad began teaching almost six years ago, he wasn’t familiar with lockdown drills. “I was under the impression that a lockdown drill just meant to lock the door,” the Bronx high school math teacher said. “So in my first year doing it, I would lock the door and keep teaching.” It wasn’t […]

By John Russo | Blog . news

4 Tips for Principals From a Parent Who Knows the Job

4 Tips for Principals From a Parent Who Knows the Job 1. Be visible: As a parent, I want to see my principal there on campus. I get it—you can’t always be there. You have district meetings, professional development, and things that take you off-site often. 2. Don’t just be visible, be good with kids: […]

By John Russo | Blog . news

NYC’s ‘community schools’ are a lifeline for many students. Dozens are bracing for cuts.

Big cuts are coming to nonprofits that partner with dozens of New York City’s “community schools,” providing them with wraparound support for students, such as mental health services, attendance monitoring, and dental or vision check-ups. One organization that serves a 1,600-student Queens high school may have to slash a program helping students apply for college. […]

By John Russo | Blog . news

11th-hour changes may be coming to NYC’s high school admissions

Despite New York City’s looming high school application deadline, last-minute changes might be on the horizon, schools Chancellor David Banks suggested Friday. Banks has been listening to concerns from parents and elected officials about the new admissions process and could announce changes “very early next week, Monday or Tuesday, exactly what position we will take,” […]

By John Russo | Blog . news

School Leader Crisis: Overwhelmed by Mounting Mental Health Issues and Public Distrust, a ‘Mass Exodus’ of Principals Could be Coming

From The74Million: School Leader Crisis: Overwhelmed by Mounting Mental Health Issues and Public Distrust, a ‘Mass Exodus’ of Principals Could be Coming As Derek Forbes began his third pandemic school year as a high school principal in Washington state, he was facing an uptick in disruptive behavior — kids talking back to teachers, getting into […]

By John Russo | Blog

Want big advances from students and schools? Invest in principals, says new research

School principals, who rank second only to teachers in influencing how well students learn in school, matter even more than previously believed, according to major new research. In fact, replacing a below-average principal with an above-average one will result in an additional three months of learning in math and reading annually for the average student, […]



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