
Common Core Video

11-16-13 COMMON CORE DEBATE This Common Core Video has been making the rounds on the internet today — a well-spoken, impassioned young man laying out his case against the common core. As a balance, here is a discussion from the University of Chicago, entitled “What is the common core, and does it represent a federal […]

By John Russo | Educational Policy

Change to Common Core Testing

10-28-13 NY State concession to parent-groups scales back Common Core testing Javier C. Hernandez writes in the NY Times: “The New York State Education Department, responding to concerns that standardized exams in reading and math have become excessive and unwieldy, will seek to ease the burden of testing.” More here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/26/nyregion/new-york-state-seeks-to-scale-back-student-testing.html?emc=edit_tnt_20131025&tntemail0=y&_r=1&   Stay up to […]

By John Russo | Educational Policy

President Obama’s Higher Ed Plan

8-22-13 The Affordable College Plan President Barack Obama will lay out his plan for college affordability today in Buffalo, NY. Here are the three main parts, according to slate.com – debt relief for those burdened by student loans, capping loan repayment at 10% of monthly income, along with a plan to publicize this option. – […]


Bennett Resignation Many Angles

8-5-13 The Bennett Resignation From Many Angles   Last week, Tony Bennett (not the singer) stepped down as the commissioner of Florida schools. He was also the former head of Indiana schools. He is accused of manipulating the school rating system in IN, in order to benefit a charter school. This is a complicated story […]


Common Core Resources for Schools and Policy Roundup

With the Common Core debate heating up, it’s tough to keep track of the requirements, where to get resources for the classroom, and professional development options. And let’s not forget the policy battles about federal standards (and how to fund them) going on in congress! Luckily, we’ve kept track for you! Here you are, up […]



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