Diane Ravitch

Schools Are Not Businesses

Schools are not Businesses (and Kids Are Not Blueberries) I’m a sucker for a great story, and here’s one I want to share. (from Diane Ravitch’s Reign of Error, pp. 300-301) Listen to this story! A businessman named Jamie Vollmer was known for producing superpremium blueberry ice cream utilizing nothing but the best ingredients.  He […]


Teacher Evaluation that makes sense

Teacher Evaluation that makes sense by Jared Gellert Great teachers make a difference.  Lousy teachers also make a difference.  The better the teacher body, the better for the kids.  These are obvious points.  But how to determine who is good and who is lousy and should no longer be a teacher is a serious point […]


Election Day, Common Core, School Choice

11-5-13 Election Day News Roundup NYC Public Schools are closed and NYCASP Parking rules are suspended today! Let the kids park wherever they want!* *Don’t let kids drive. If you do, give them quarters. Parking meters are in effect.   Here are some good resources to kick off your morning reading.   VOTING For web […]

By John Russo | Educational Policy

Ed Reform and School Choice

9-23-13 NEW DIANE RAVITCH BOOK Thoughts by Jared Gellert: There’s a new Diane Ravitch book coming out with some interesting arguments.  Her core thesis, according to her http://www.huffingtonpost.com/diane-ravitch/what-the-nyt-left-out_b_3913960.html?utm_hp_ref=@education123, is “the refutation of every claim of the privatization movement.”   The book argues that American education is actually improving with all time high test scores, high school […]

By John Russo | Educational Policy


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