Arne Duncan

Common Core Video

11-16-13 COMMON CORE DEBATE This Common Core Video has been making the rounds on the internet today — a well-spoken, impassioned young man laying out his case against the common core. As a balance, here is a discussion from the University of Chicago, entitled “What is the common core, and does it represent a federal […]

By John Russo | Educational Policy

The Shutdown and Education Update

10-4-13 Government shutdown and education update – FRIDAY VERSION! Head into the weekend all read up — today’s blog spotlights the shutdown, and how it affects education, in particular Military families, and head start programs. We also include an overview for you, from Education Week.   MILITARY Rosemary Freitas Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense […]

By John Russo | Educational Policy

School Registration – NCLB Waivers – Pres. Obama and Higher Ed

8-29-13 News roundup! NYC School registration opens, the President tackles Higher Ed, Arne Duncan talks beer, NCLB exceptions tighten.   Registering for school The NYC Department of Ed has opened nine student registration centers in the city as of today. Starting today, High School students can register (and must do so in their borough at […]


Bennett Resignation Many Angles

8-5-13 The Bennett Resignation From Many Angles   Last week, Tony Bennett (not the singer) stepped down as the commissioner of Florida schools. He was also the former head of Indiana schools. He is accused of manipulating the school rating system in IN, in order to benefit a charter school. This is a complicated story […]



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