Alumni of Distinction Honoree: David Wicks, Dr. Mauriciere de Govia, Stephen Ritz and Dr. Jonathan Brown
Join us in celebrating CITE’s 2025 Alumni of Distinction Gala! 🎉👏 This is your chance to honor the incredible achievements of our alumni, connect with education leaders, and celebrate the impact of the CITE community. 🌟 đź“… Save the Date: March 26th, 2025 🎟 Click here for tickets: David Wicks (Bio): David Wicks is the […]
Congrats to one of our Admin grad, Michael Fink who is starting a new role as the Director of Technology, with the Freeport Union Free School District! ____________________________________________________ Congratulations to our Admin grad Aimee Luliucci on your new position as the new AP role at Bellport HS! ____________________________________________________ Congratulations to our Admin Grad Gary Campanelli […]
Top 6 Skills Everyone in School Administration Needs
School leaders get in on this… “Top 6 Skills Everyone in School Administration Needs” 1.a Time management A huge aspect of organization is time management. If a school administrator struggles with either of those, they will have a very difficult time handling their job to the best of their ability. 1.b Multitasking There are various […]
4 Tips for Principals From a Parent Who Knows the Job
4 Tips for Principals From a Parent Who Knows the Job 1. Be visible: As a parent, I want to see my principal there on campus. I get it—you can’t always be there. You have district meetings, professional development, and things that take you off-site often. 2. Don’t just be visible, be good with kids: […]
School shortages are happening on a state to state level!
Educators and parents: Tell News4JAX how a teacher shortage has affected your school? News4JAX has reported that Duval County has more schools in need of extra support than any other school district in Florida. A Florida Department of Education report outlines a dire need for English teachers this upcoming school year. Exceptional Student Education (ESE), […]
The Role of a School Principal’s Practice of Resource Allocation and its Relationship with a School’s Culture of Collaboration
Full Article published on Article written by one of our amazing Russell SAGE/CITE Grads Annette Perez! Abstract This article presents the findings that investigated the relationship between a principal’s practice in resource allocation and how it promotes a school’s collaborative culture. Participants of the study were New York City (NYC) Department of Education (DOE) […]
Philadelphia will screen sixth through eighth graders for weapons
Philadelphia’s sixth through eighth grade students will be subject to periodic weapons screenings starting on Monday, the school district announced Thursday in a letter to parents. The screenings will take place at six schools a day. They will be conducted at every middle school, as well as elementary schools with middle school grades, at least […]
Teacher shortages, mask mandates: Everyday a test for pandemic principals!
It’s 5:30 a.m. on a Wednesday, and Sonia Tosh’s iPhone alarm eases her awake. Silver hair tousled, dark eyes bleary, Tosh grabs her phone from the nightstand, taps off the soft music and starts scrolling through her texts and emails. Who has COVID-19? Who’s going to cover classes? Do we have any substitutes? There’s currently a […]