Special education tuition hearings shift to NYC trials agency to address backlog
From Chalkbeat December:
The de Blasio administration is transferring oversight of a backlogged special education complaint system — where filings typically take months or years to resolve — from the education department to a city entity that operates administrative trials.
The shift was codified earlier this month in a memorandum of understanding between the city and state education departments and the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) that gives the city office two years to clear the case backlog.
OATH’s court-like system holds trials on alleged violations in a range of areas, including conflicts of interest rules, campaign finance regulations and local laws, such as the right to paid sick leave from work.
The move signals the apparent end of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s more than seven-year bid to reform the complaint system for families of special education students, just as he’s about to leave City Hall.
Read the full article here:
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