Doctorate Current Students
Sage Colleges Doctorate in Educational Leadership,
Concordia University Wisconsin Doctorate of Education in Innovation and Continuous Improvement
Important Numbers @ Sage
Student Services: 518.292.1781
From that number, you can be connected to any of the following offices: Financial Aid (press 1), The Registrar (press 2), and Student Accounts (press 3).
Technology Helpdesk: 518.244-4777 helpdesk@sage.edu
For Graduate School information and Admission procedures, contact:
Mike Jones, Director
Graduate and Adult Admissions
(518) 244-2443 jonesm4@sage.edu
Dr. Jerome Steele
Chair, Doctor of Education Program in Educational Leadership
Assistant Professor, Esteves School of Education
(518) 244-2070 steelj2@sage.edu
Dr. Marlene Zakierski
Director, NYC Doctor of Education Program
Associate Professor, Esteves School of Education
(914) 329-9619 zakiem@sage.edu
Click here for the CITE at Sage Website
*** Have you referred a friend lately? CITE is offering current students and alumni $50 for each referral who applies, is accepted, and starts class. Call or Email someone now!