NY’s budget has $100M for academic and mental health programs. Schools still don’t have the money.
With growing concerns over youth mental health and academic recovery, New York’s state lawmakers included $100 million in the state budget last year for schools to spend on mental health resources or after-school programs. But, with the majority of the school year now over, school districts haven’t been able to apply for the money.
“It is very disappointing that the money that was allocated for desperately needed services by children and adolescents is not getting to them,” said Dawn Yuster, director of the School Justice Project at Advocates for Children.
“There is a lot of trauma, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations that we continue to hear about from family after family.”
Read the full article here: https://ny.chalkbeat.org/2023/2/24/23614139/ny-mental-health-funding-academic-recovery-after-school-state-hochul-grants
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