NYC’s middle and high school application deadline extended after website crashes

NYC’s middle and high school application deadline extended after website crashes

After New York City’s middle and high school applications portal crashed the night before the Dec. 1 deadline, the education department extended the deadline to Dec. 5, officials said Thursday.

Many parents of fifth and eighth graders across the five boroughs, already stressed out by the application process, felt frustrated to see that MySchools was inoperable — though for those familiar with the system, it came as no surprise.

The application portal has been riddled with glitches since launching in the 2018-19 school year and routinely crashes under the weight of families rushing to get their applications in by the deadline.

The first year the city made the switch to MySchools — students previously submitted their applications through guidance counseling departments or at family welcome centers — the application deadline was pushed back nearly two weeks. The following year it was pushed back four days.

The site’s issues affect the amount of faith that families have in the school system, some parents said.

Read the full article here:

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