NYC middle schools bring back selective admissions, but to far fewer campuses

NYC middle schools bring back selective admissions, but to far fewer campuses

Selective admissions will return to dozens of New York City middle schools this fall after a two-year pandemic pause, but in far smaller numbers than before — dramatically reshuffling the city’s notoriously stressful and complex application process.

Schools Chancellor David Banks left the decision to reinstate competitive middle school admissions up to each district’s superintendent, and while some families pushed to restore screens, others lobbied to get rid of them, saying it was unfair to sort the city’s 10-year olds based on their fourth grade academic performance.

After a month of deliberating with their school communities, nearly all superintendents decided to bring back fewer or the same number of screened middle schools as before the pandemic, according to education department data shared as middle school applications opened on Wednesday.

“It didn’t matter to me how the results came out,” Banks told reporters. “What mattered to me was that the community voice was heard and was respected.”

Read the full article here:

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