Housing migrants in school gyms: What we know (and don’t) about NYC’s shelter plans

Housing migrants in school gyms: What we know (and don’t) about NYC’s shelter plans

Up to 20 New York City public school gymnasiums could be transformed into emergency shelters for asylum seekers, a sudden move that Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday he was reluctant to make. “This is one of the last places we want to look at,” the mayor said in an interview on NY1.

“None of us are comfortable with having to take these drastic steps.” Adams contends that the city is running out of space in shelters, hotels, and other emergency accommodations as more than 65,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York City since last year.

Read more here: https://ny.chalkbeat.org/2023/5/16/23726093/nyc-school-gyms-emergency-shelter-asylum-migrants

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