Are you ready for the next step in your leadership journey?
As a way to bring our community together, CITE offers seminars to student and alumni of all of our partner programs. Some of these are interactive discussions on best practices, like “Race & Justice: The Importance and Implications of Juneteenth,” “Strategies and Best Practices to Support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” “Resiliency for Leaders,” “Mindfulness: Meeting […]
Professional Development and Parent Workshops
Dive in and take a tour of our professional development and parent engagement services. This video provides a description of how our consultants will be able to assist all educators as they strive to meet the instructional needs of their students. CITE PD can be done virtually and features new COVID19 related workshops. Learn more […]
This NYC bilingual educator shares what it means to teach for ‘equity, not equality
“Much of teaching a new language happens in the small moments: in the chatter among peers, in asking to use the bathroom. This year, with New York City public schools shuttered so frequently due to coronavirus cases, students had far fewer opportunities for these casual conversations and questions, said Rebecca Quiñones, a second grade dual-language […]
Want big advances from students and schools? Invest in principals, says new research
School principals, who rank second only to teachers in influencing how well students learn in school, matter even more than previously believed, according to major new research. In fact, replacing a below-average principal with an above-average one will result in an additional three months of learning in math and reading annually for the average student, […]
Grant Winners 2020
CITE is awarding 5 grants of $250 each, to teachers across the city, to replace the Teacher’s Choice money that teachers are not getting this year. CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education. CITE partners with accredited colleges to offer accelerated degree and certificate programs for teachers, counselors, and administrators in and around […]
Bias-Based Beliefs in Education
This interactive seminar, presented by Dr. Gary Knight, focused on Bias-Based Beliefs in Pedagogy and School Practice Research highlights the relevance of bias, both implicit and explicit as operating in school settings. There are three types of bias-based beliefs relevant for leaders to understand: (1) colorblindness; (2) deficit thinking; and (3) poverty disciplining. Based on […]
Grants for Teachers
ANNOUNCING GRANTS FOR TEACHERS — CITE is announcing a Teacher’s Choice Grant for one recipient in each of the five boroughs, for the 2020-2021 school year, to cover the loss of the Teacher’s Choice program for the grant winners. The upcoming school year presents difficult challenges for teachers and schools. In this Chalkbeat article, […]
The Art of Gathering for School Leaders
___________________________________ The Art of Gathering for School Leaders by Niña Caballero After reading Priya Parker’s “The Art of Gathering, How we Meet and Why it Matters”, I reflected on my own daily interactions. I wanted to start thinking about every ‘meeting’ as an invitation to gather intentionally- a coffee date with a friend, dinner with […]