Multiple Intelligences – Common Core – Mayoral Race – John King – News
10-16-13 NEWS ROUNDUP Harold Gardner: “Multiple Intelligences are NOT learning styles.” In what seems like a major reversal of how his seminal book “Multiple Intelligences” has been used by educators, Howard Gardner in today’s Washington Post, Gardner sets out to clarify the two main problems he sees with treating his work in “MI Theory” as […]
Does Academic Performance Predict Good Teaching?
10-10-13 Teach for America v. Traditional Teacher Training Does academic performance in an undergrad program predict good teaching, more than a traditional teacher training program? Opinion Piece — by Jared Gellert There’s a great article in the Atlantic from a former Teach for America member. The article discusses her experiences and her training. Here […]
The Shutdown and Education Update
10-4-13 Government shutdown and education update – FRIDAY VERSION! Head into the weekend all read up — today’s blog spotlights the shutdown, and how it affects education, in particular Military families, and head start programs. We also include an overview for you, from Education Week. MILITARY Rosemary Freitas Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense […]
How the Shutdown Affects Education
10-1-13 What the Shutdown Means for Education WAIT, THEY DID WHAT? As if the sequester hasn’t hurt education programs enough (cf: work-study, Title 1, Federal Loans, Individuals with Disabilities Act, Head Start*), GOP brinksmanship on a law that was already passed (by a supermajority), ratified, and upheld by the Supreme Court and voters in the […]
Ed Reform and School Choice
9-23-13 NEW DIANE RAVITCH BOOK Thoughts by Jared Gellert: There’s a new Diane Ravitch book coming out with some interesting arguments. Her core thesis, according to her, is “the refutation of every claim of the privatization movement.” The book argues that American education is actually improving with all time high test scores, high school […]
NYC Test Scores Question
A Reaction to the NY Test Scores By: Jared Gellert The test scores that came out on August 7th revealed a dramatic plunge. The proportion of New York students who were “proficient” in English/Language Arts fell from 55.1% to 31.1%. The percentage of students “proficient” in math fell even more, from 64.8% to 31%, according […]
The End of Our Photo Contest
9-6-13 Our Photo Contest is Over As of today, our first photo contest is over. And we’ve learned a lot! Unfortunately (let’s lay this out up front) because of fraudulent voting, we have to cancel the contest. That’s right, and it makes us sad, too! But this contest has been compromised by paid votes and […]
School Registration – NCLB Waivers – Pres. Obama and Higher Ed
8-29-13 News roundup! NYC School registration opens, the President tackles Higher Ed, Arne Duncan talks beer, NCLB exceptions tighten. Registering for school The NYC Department of Ed has opened nine student registration centers in the city as of today. Starting today, High School students can register (and must do so in their borough at […]