Educational Policy

Math Doesn’t Need to be Relevant

Math Doesn’t Need to be Relevant Listen to this post! I recently read two things that really struck me in the conversation about the practical applicability of learning.  Here’s Gary Rubinstein, a math teacher in NYC describing a presentation he did at a math teacher’s conference.  “The idea was that math doesn’t always have to […]


Common Core Debate Video

Common Core Debate Video There’s a very nice, evenhanded discussion of some of the big issues in educational policy at blogging heads TV.  Here’s the link Our two panelists like the common core as an approach to curriculum.  They particularly like the rigor of the common core.  However, there are many questions about the […]


UFT contract announcement

  UFT Contract Announcement! According to multiple sources, Mayor DeBlasio will make a UFT Contract Announcement TODAY. UPDATE: it’s official!  Listen to this post: Here’s what we’ve heard: The Chalkbeat blog has a post on Career Ladder, Parent Face-Time, and Fewer Evaluation Metrics. The contract will include (according to sources), salary steps for taking on […]


Test Prep hanging on

Test Prep Hanging on The NY Times today has an article about Test Prep enduring – despite calls (and legislation!) to end the practice.  Listen to this post On Dec. 30, the day she was announced as New York City’s schools chancellor, Carmen Fariña denounced an overemphasis on test preparation as the dark underbelly of the previous […]


4 Business Lessons for School Reformers

4 BUSINESS LESSONS FOR SCHOOL REFORMERS There are four lessons that corporate education reformers should have learned, but seemingly haven’t. Listen to this post! 1. LISTEN TO THE EVIDENCE   Business is all about listening to feedback and evaluating evidence.  For instance, if I am an oil and gas drilling company exploring a new area […]


Teacher Evaluation that makes sense

Teacher Evaluation that makes sense by Jared Gellert Great teachers make a difference.  Lousy teachers also make a difference.  The better the teacher body, the better for the kids.  These are obvious points.  But how to determine who is good and who is lousy and should no longer be a teacher is a serious point […]


Farina Addresses Teachers

Chancellor Fariña Addresses Teachers Her goal: Restore dignity and Respect to teaching Chancellor Fariña addresses teachers, at a town hall meeting with UFT members.  Her first priority — and the accomplishment by which she most wants to be judged — is restoring dignity and respect to the teaching profession.  “No one works well if beaten down,” she […]


Teacher Evaluation Proposal

Teacher Evaluation Proposal Principals in NYC have to evaluate each teacher according to one of two options: once formally and three times informally OR six times informally Listen to this post! PRINCIPALS Let’s say I’m a Principal in Brooklyn with a k-5 school. Let’s say I have 1300 students. Let’s say I have 80 teachers. […]



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