Early Childhood


Free Calm For Teachers

UPDATE January 2025: Unfortunately Calm has stopped this program — https://support.calm.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260801295209-Using-Calm-in-a-Classroom They have some resources teachers can download, but not the free app anymore for educators. The UFT offers options: https://www.uft.org/news/you-should-know/your-well-being/calm-app-free-uft-members   CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education. For over 30 years, CITE has and continues to train: TEACHERS (All Teacher Ed […]


Community-Based Pre K Teachers – Possible Pay Raise

Last month, the city announced an agreement with District Council 1707, Local 205 that would steadily increase salaries for 315 pre-K teachers in (non-DOE) community-based pre-k centers, over the next several years, eventually matching what starting teachers in public schools make. In some case, these means an additional $20,000 in some teachers’ pockets. This means […]

By John Russo | Early Childhood . masters program

NYC Teacher Certification Explained – How do Teachers Get Certified in NYC?

The Nuts and Bolts of Teacher Certification: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ In New York state teachers must be certified or be in the process of certifying in order to teach. The certification requirements for all teachers in New York State are all the same for everybody: Completion of all state tests (EAS ,EdTPA, CST in appropriate subject) Completion […]


Open House – Early Childhood Masters Degree

We are holding an open house for our Concordia College of NY  Early Childhood Masters Degree Program Starting this February About our Program: Teach Pre K with our Early Childhood Masters Degree. This program satisfies requirements for general and special ed certification, birth- grade 2, (both provisional and professional certification). No undergrad education courses are necessary as […]

By John Russo | Early Childhood . pre k . Uncategorized

Pre K for All Means More Jobs for Teachers

Mayor de Blasio recently announced the city’s plan to expand the universal Pre-K program to include three-year-olds in NYC. This means that over the course of the rollout, a significant number of teaching positions will be created. Estimates put the number of new Pre-K teachers needed around 4,500. Now is a great time to get […]

By John Russo | Early Childhood

Let us Pay for your GRE or MAT

The State now requires the GRE or MAT for entry into all teacher education programs. We know that this is a hassle, and an expense. To make things easier for you, CITE will cover the $205 cost of the GRE (or the cost of the MAT) if you are accepted and start the College of Mount […]


Universal Pre K Gains

Recently, the city hired an outside firm to evaluate its Pre-K gains, and  this article in Chalkbeat details some takeaways. It does not list how the firm did its assessments of the kids, but notes that it was done in conjunction with NYU.  The report has a series of interesting findings: 70% of the children were at or […]

By John Russo | Early Childhood

Alumni Success – Director of Early Childhood, District 11

Deborah L. Alford is the District 11 Director of Early Childhood Education. Before that, she worked at The James Mc Cune Smith Community School 200, in Harlem, as a Testing Coordinator, Pre-K Supervisor, AIS Liaison, Saturday Academy Instructor for the English Language Learners (ELLS), and Early Childhood Specialist. Deborah graduated in 2008 from Cohort 18 in our […]



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