Why I decided to teach and why I decided to stay in education
This is part one in a series on “Why Teach? Why Stay?” by Dr. Donald James For months I’ve been writing, and seeing posts, about the teacher and education leadership shortages. Much of what is written about is “why” there is a shortage. The constructs presented are all in the deficit, low salary, emotional fatigue, […]
Top 6 Skills Everyone in School Administration Needs
School leaders get in on this… “Top 6 Skills Everyone in School Administration Needs” 1.a Time management A huge aspect of organization is time management. If a school administrator struggles with either of those, they will have a very difficult time handling their job to the best of their ability. 1.b Multitasking There are various […]
Podcast – Meisha Porter
Cite Executive Director Dr. Donald James speaks with Dr. Meisha Porter about her decision to take on the role of NYC Schools Chancellor in a difficult time, the opportunity we have to reinvent the systems in our schools, and what the pandemic taught us about the classroom and about leadership in moments of crisis. Dr. […]
Which Teacher Ed Program Do I need?
We offer several options for those interested in becoming teachers, as well as those teachers who are in various phases of their career. Please refer to the chart below to find out which program is right for you. I am a Pre-K to Grade 12 Teacher with initial certification who needs a State Mandated […]
The Master’s Degrees that give the biggest salary boost—up to 87% more money
From Chalkbeat: In September 2020, the National Student Clearinghouse estimated that while enrollment in undergraduate programs for associate’s and bachelor’s degrees fell by 9.7% compared to 2019, enrollment in master’s programs increased 6%. Most recent tallies for the Spring 2021 term found that while undergraduate enrollment has decreased by 4.9% since 2020, graduate enrollment has […]
Administration Program (SBL) Graduate Feedback
Meet College of St. Rose / CITE SBL Program graduates (and successful school administrators) Mr. and Mrs. Boccanfuso! For program information, please see StRoseApply.com Courses are online through the summer. This program is the most affordable, convenient and practical SBL program in NYC. You do not need to have your application completed in order to […]
Want big advances from students and schools? Invest in principals, says new research
School principals, who rank second only to teachers in influencing how well students learn in school, matter even more than previously believed, according to major new research. In fact, replacing a below-average principal with an above-average one will result in an additional three months of learning in math and reading annually for the average student, […]
NYC will soon have a new schools chief. Here’s what to know about Meisha Porter.
CITE would like to congratulate Meisha Ross Porter on being named the incoming NYC Schools Chancellor. We’re proud of her for blazing a trail as the first Black woman to lead the NYC schools, particularly because she’s already close to our hearts as an alumna of our College of St. Rose SDL Certification Program. Here’s […]