NYC is launching two virtual schools with a catch: Ninth graders only for now

NYC is launching two virtual schools with a catch: Ninth graders only for now

New York City is moving forward with plans to launch two virtual schools that will serve ninth graders only next year, officials recently revealed.

One of the schools will have a “heavy” career and internship focus while the other will be “completely remote,” said Carolyne Quintana, deputy chancellor for teaching and learning, during a virtual meeting last week with the NYC Coalition for Educating Families Together, a parent advocacy group.

“Those virtual school options are for students who may need to work from home, whether it’s for health reasons, for socio-emotional reasons, [or] maybe they were more successful that way,” she said, adding that the city is “working with partners to get that done.”

The city plans to eventually expand the offerings to include middle school students, Quintana noted, though she offered no timeline. The department did not want to create a virtual option for elementary students for now since that would require a caregiver to stay home, she said.

Read the full article here:

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