Job Postings – week of 12-1-2021
At CITE, we strive to provide tools and resources to our community, not only while you are students, but as you go into the professional world. Below is a list of job postings from our network. If you feel you are a good candidate, please contact the organization directly through the info below. If you have a job to post, we are happy to post it. Please go to citeprograms.com/jobs and fill out the form. This is a free service.
School / District / Organization:
Commack Public Schools
English as a New Language Teacher (Leave Replacement)
at Commack High School
NYS TESOL Certification required
- Has knowledge of SIOP Model of Instruction, Administering the NYSESLAT
See Commack RecruitFront site
Please apply on: https://commack.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities
Per Diem Substitute Nurse
NYS RN License Required
Will Provide Per-Diem Nursing Services
Please apply on: https://commack.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities
Per Diem Substitute Teacher
NYS Teacher Certification preferred – all areas
- Will provide per diem substitute teaching services
Please apply on: https://commack.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities
Part-Time School Media Specialist
Commack Primary Schools (Grades K-2)
NYS School Media Specialist Certification Required
- Has knowledge of: primary school level education (Grades K-2)
School media specialists show students how to conduct research using resources from various forms of media. They assist teachers in creating lesson plans, and they also teach classes, coordinate meetings with book publishers, plan story times or book talks, and hold book fairs.
Please apply on: https://commack.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities
Speech Teacher – Leave Replacement
Commack Middle School
NYS Speech Certification Required
Provides speech related services to students, assesses monitors student progress, participates in related meetings
Please apply on: https://commack.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities
School / District / Organization:
Newcomers High School
- AP Supervision (Mathematics background)
- Newcomers High School, Long Island City, Queens
- Certifications: SBL (required) ; Mathematics (required); TESOL (preferred)
- Ideally has experience in: Programming, Computer Science
Supervise Mathematics Instructional Program, Supervise other areas as required, Assist in running of the school (oversea programming/ attendance or other areas based on experience of selected candidate). Strong understanding of CRSE required. Background in working with Multi lingual learners preferred.
Please email your resume and cover letter to emessmann@schools.nyc.gov by Friday December 3, 2021
School / District / Organization:
Blanche Community Progress Inc.
- Lead Teacher and Assistant Teacher
Blanche Community Progress Inc., Far-Rockaway
- Qualifications: Lead Teacher: Master degree in Early Childhood Education plus NYS Certificate. Birth to Second Grade . Will consider teachers on study plan.
- Ideal candidate has experience in: Child development, ability to communicate effectively and prior experience in Early Childhood setting.
- Responsibilities: supervise and keep safe group of children, plan and execute age appropriate lesson plans, observation and documentation of the children behavior, and present the children progress reports to the parents.
- Apply to: Akinleye.blanche@gmail.com
School / District / Organization:
The Ursuline School (New Rochelle, NY)
- Leave Replacement -Director of Personal Development
The Ursuline School, New Rochelle, NY
· Bachelor’s degree
· Master’s Degree preferred
· Teacher certification preferred
· Minimum 2 years teaching experience in secondary education (6-12) OR Experience teaching middle school preferred
· Experience incorporating technology in support of student learning
· Demonstrated ability to provide both content based and conceptual lessons.
· Be comfortable collaboratively planning curriculum and Project Based Learning Initiatives.
· Passion for teaching in Catholic education.
· Hold high expectations for every student and provide necessary accommodations for the growth and success of all students.
To apply: Please submit a cover letter and resume to employment@ursulinenewrochelle.org.
The Ursuline School is an equal employment opportunity employer committed to hiring faculty, administration, and staff of diverse backgrounds. Our community promotes a respect for individuals regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any other state or federally protected classification.
Leave Replacement -Director of Personal Development
The Ursuline School is a private, independent, Catholic, college preparatory girls’ school, grades 6 through 12. The school was established in 1897 in the spirit of St. Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Order. The Ursuline School is part of a network of educators at secondary schools and colleges of the Ursuline Sisters across the United States and 36 countries. The school is known for its rigorous academic program, its robust service opportunities, and its dedication to the education of the whole person.
Ursuline is located in New Rochelle, New York, 20 miles north of Manhattan in a diverse, suburban community.
The school is accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools and the NY State Board of Regents. Ursuline is a member of the National Coalition of Girls Schools and NY State Association of Independent Schools.
Start Date: January 24, 2022 to June 15, 2022
Position: Full time
Reports to: Assistant Principal of Student Affairs
Level: Middle School and High School
Major Responsibilities:
Personal Development Course
• Teach Grades 6, 7 & 8 personal development classes/social emotional learning classes, where students feel comfortable participating, sharing experiences and expressing themselves. Topics include treating others with respect, healthy relationships, expressing emotions, managing stress, healthy body image, assertiveness, and media literacy.
• Work collaboratively and professionally with subject area, grade-level, and school-wide colleagues for curriculum planning, student support, and mentoring.
• Serve as a full community member by attending meetings, participating in committees, and volunteering for various duties supervising students.
Peer Leadership & 9th Grade Program
• Teach peer leadership course training junior students to mentor freshman classmates.
• Oversee all aspects of 9th Grade program including organization of permission slips, transportation, facilities set-up, securing chaperones, content of sessions to be presented by peer leaders.
Peer Mediation & Conflict Resolution
• Train and supervise Senior Peer Mediators in a program that helps students resolve conflicts with peers.
• Supervise Mediators in planning activities for middle school students to build rapport and teach about problem solving and management of conflict/friendship issues and promote a culture of peach through special activities and campaigns.
• Manage referrals to Peer Mediation
Enrichment Course
• Oversee coordination and organization of each enrichment class.
• Support departments with supplementing courses and designing activities.
STAR Club Moderator
• Supervise the STAR Club (Students Talking About Relationships) alongside a moderator after school.
- Apply to: employment@ursulinenwrochelle.org
School / District / Organization:
Arlington Central School District, NY
- Substitute Teachers
Arlington Central School District, NY
Request info: hroberto@acsdny.org
Substitute teaching — certified teachers and uncertified teachers accepted
New rates beginning JAN 2022: Certified substitute teachers = $110/day // Uncertified substitutes = $95/day. BONUS for substitute teachers: Certified Teachers, sub for at least 50 days = $500; at least 75 days = $750; at least 100 days = $1000 // Uncertified Teachers, sub for at least 50 days = $500; at least 75 days = $750
- Apply to: https://arlingtonschools.recruitfont.com/JobPosting?JID=14331
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education.
For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train:
TEACHERS: General and Special Ed Masters (Early Childhood or Childhood), TESOL Masters, Special Ed license extension courses, Bilingual license extension courses, TESOL license extension courses, Early Childhood license extension courses
COUNSELORS: School Counseling Masters, Mental Health Counseling Masters, Advanced Certificate in Mental Health or School Counseling
ADMINISTRATORS: School Building Leadership, School District Leadership, Doctorate for CSA members, Doctorate for non-CSA members, Public Administration Master’s
— in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, and Long Island. Currently all classes are online.
CITE PD: CITE offers CTLE-approved in-school or online professional development tailored to your school’s needs and your vision. We can work remotely with your staff and parents. Info: citepd.com