Office hours in store for NYC students who must quarantine when their peers remain in school
From Chalkbeat:
For students who must quarantine when their classmates can remain in school, their teachers must provide “office hours” instead of live instruction, education department officials announced Wednesday.
“Office hours” can mean multiple things — answering a student’s questions, individual or small group tutorials, check-ins on assignments, according to education department spokesperson Sarah Casasnovas.
Office hours will largely be for middle and high school students, who will have different quarantine rules from those in elementary schools, said Lauren Siciliano, the department’s chief administrative officer, during a Wednesday City Council hearing on school reopening.
Teachers will be paid overtime to dedicate two hours a week toward office hours for quarantined students, earning more if they teach multiple courses with students staying home, Casasnovas said. They will also receive $225 to set up “digital classrooms” for remote learning, and will receive four hours in overtime pay if more than half of their students are in quarantine at a given time, according to the agreement with the teachers union obtained by Chalkbeat.
Though Mayor Bill de Blasio said he anticipates fewer quarantines this year, if other parts of the country are any indication, teachers may end up needing to devote time and attention to a significant number of students.
Read the full article here:
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