77 Percent of principals and District Leaders said They Have Struggled to Hire a Sufficient Number of Substitute Teachers
“A nationally representative survey, conducted by the EdWeek Research Center Sept. 29 to Oct. 8, found that 77 percent of principals and district leaders said they have struggled to hire a sufficient number of substitute teachers. More administrators pointed to difficulties hiring subs than any other staffing position.
Before the pandemic, the national average fill rate-meaning the percentage of teacher absences that was covered by a substitute -WaS about 80 percent. This year, von Moos said she’s hearing anecdotally that it’s closer to 50 or 60 percent.
Administrators and experts say the substitute shortage is caused by both high demand and low supply. In many places, teachers are out more frequently than usual because they’ve been exposed or contracted COVID-19 and must quarantine, or because their own children have to quarantine.
Also, school districts across the country are reporting starting the year with unfilled teaching positions.”
You can read the full article on www.edweek.org
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