6 Great Benefits Of Getting A Teaching Job In NYC
New York City is a great place to be a teacher. The city is filled with rich culture, diversity, and of course some great teachers! Teaching in NYC comes with many benefits that make it a great place to work. Whether you’re looking to start your teaching career or continue your career as a teacher, there are many benefits that make a teaching job in NYC worth it.
Competitive Salary
Teachers can top out at $128,657 plus longevity pay, with a master’s degree and 30 college credits.
Longevity pay is added to the base salary in increments depending on the amount of time you have been teaching in the New York City Public Schools.
Free Health, Dental, and Vision Benefits
The United Federation of Teachers (UFT), which is the New York City Department of Education’s teacher’s union, offers dental and vision benefits included with your union dues.
Read the full article here: https://staylocalcollective.com/teaching-job-in-nyc/
Interested in becoming a teacher?
Join our Master’s Degree program with the College of Mount St. Vincent.
For more information on our Master’s Program please visit www.citemsv.com
RSVP to our ONLINE OPEN HOUSE for our Teacher Ed Master’s Degree program with the College of Mount St. Vincent.
When? April 5th at 5 PM.
For more information on our Master’s Program please visit www.citemsv.com
or email CAvery@citeprograms.com
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education.
For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train:
TEACHERS: General and Special Ed Masters (Early Childhood or Childhood), Adolescent Special Ed / Professional Certification Masters, TESOL Masters, Special Ed license extension courses, Bilingual license extension courses, TESOL license extension courses, Early Childhood license extension courses
COUNSELORS: School Counseling Masters, Mental Health Counseling Masters, Advanced Certificate in Mental Health or School Counseling
ADMINISTRATORS: School Building Leadership, School District Leadership, Doctorate for CSA members, Doctorate for non-CSA members, Public Administration Master’s
— in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk.
CITE PD: CITE offers CTLE-approved in-school or online professional development tailored to your school’s needs and your vision. We can work remotely with your staff and parents. Info: citepd.com